Book Reviews
"If you are curious to know what it takes to be an entrepreneur, this highly entertaining autobiography follows the problems and difficulties of a budding businessman who must find ways to put food on the table while dealing with colorful characters and underappreciative business and family partners whom he continually enriches. Further, it provides a delightful true account of the family life of a hard-charging enterpriser."
Ralph E. Locher
"The author is the epitome of a strong individual with poignant and personal appeal who catapults the reader into humorous and honest page-turning reading. With its raw reflection of one man's experiences, this book engenders camaraderie for anyone navigating the ebbs and flows of challenging family and business relationships. "
Tara Provini
Family Social Services Director
"The Bus Leaves in an Hour... Be Under It! is an introspective and witty book about life on the docks, starting from the perspective of a bright inquisitive kid learning savvy life lessons early on that would have crushed others at his age. It will make you laugh, cry, and applaud his perseverance. Enjoy the ride!"